Sunday, February 10, 2008

Your Online Dating Profile

In Australia and almost anywhere in the world, online dating seems to be all the hype these days. It seems that finding that perfect match can now be realized with a working personal computer, a dependable internet connection, knowledge about online dating sites and a few inputs of wit and charm and with a click of a mouse, you may get to meet your very own prince charming who could be living near your neighborhood, within your state or even someone who is a number of miles away outside of your country overseas!

If he had known, the prince in Cinderella would not have gone through all the trouble of hosting a lavish, over-the-top ball to meet all the ladies in the land and find her bride but just logged on, updated his profile and started meeting and greeting fair maidens from all over the world with the click of a mouse. But then again, you get to thinking what you can do to impress that desired prince when you are competing with almost anyone that has registered online.

Make that profile shine of course. You need not go weeping and wait for a fairy godmother to pop up and help you stand out. With a little ingenuity and these tips, you might just as well be on your way to meeting the man of your dreams online.

Because there is tremendous competition in getting attention in the online dating scene, some people resort to telling tall tales about themselves pretending to be somebody else that they are not and even to the extent of putting in someone else's picture. At the get go, the best way to go about online dating is to be honest. Be yourself for how could you find the right match for your personality when you are presenting yourself as someone you are not.

For people who lack the confidence and the self love, it might be difficult to present a good enough profile which they think can get them some good online dates. Think again, think positive. And speaking of being positive, one way to make your profile sparkle is to avoid negativity. Like they say, smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone. Everyone appreciates a happy face and a cheerful person so smear that all over your profile and avoid those dark sulking terms.

In trying to explain why you are going for online dating, go state that you are open to new experiences and would love to meet new friends and acquaintances instead of stating that you are tired of the traditional dating methods. Mention likes instead of dislikes. You may want to state that you love listening to rhythm and blues which gives off a more positive vibe as compared to mentioning that you hate rock and hard metal music. Hate is such a strong word and it definitely does not ooze of positive energy.

In providing for information about yourself, go for creative and unique narratives instead of the typical boring "describe yourself" phrases. Commonly one would say that they like going to the movies and prefer sweet romantic comedies. Build it up by perhaps mentioning who your favorite movie character is.

For instance, you could state that you are like Cameron Diaz's character in your favorite movie My Best Friend's Wedding because you are a spontaneous person and you are not afraid to show and express how you feel to the person you love. Would that not be more interesting than plainly saying you are sweet and expressive?

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